Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Megalomania and christmas sale in my etsy

Hello =)

Long time no write, eh? Sorry :-/ But for now, I'm back :)
And first of all I would like to tell you that I did it again - I created a coupon for christmas on etsy ^_^ So use the code ArtChristmas2015 and you'll get 15% off everything I have there ;)
I'm by the way also planning to do the one or another raffle as usual in the end of the year ... just waiting for the prizes to arrive ...

Aaaand the other thing there is: I think megalomania has hit me ^_^ I started a huuuge, immensely detailed drawing project on the A2 (42 x 59,4 cm / 16 1/2" x 23 1/3") - Paper I got lately. Actually I already carried this around with me for quite a while now but never really had an idea how to bring it down to paper... but well, the day has come :D Though I won't yet reveal which song has inspired me. Will be a surprise :) I have big plans with this one. And I got some neat leaf metal from my boss that I will use on this as well :D Wish me luck that I won't mess it up ...
Here are some WIPs for you:

Develops better than I had expected in the beginning... let's see what becomes of this! :D I also got my fingers pretty black while doing the sky with graphite powder and a sponge :D

Last but not least - you may have probably already wondered why I have switched part of my online presence to german, right? This has the simple reason that I just can't seem to make my web page bi-lingual so I have to wait until my boss finds out how to ... I tried and did everything exactly as in the tutorial but it didn't work -_- I also try to establish myself in the german market now, trying to reach more people. And since everyone gets shocked here when I say sorry my web page is in english ... I decided to for now switch it to my mother tongue :) Sorry for any inconvenience you may have due to this.

Wishing you a lovely rest-of-the-week and see you soon *vanishes*

Monday, November 02, 2015

Still alive.

Hello :)

Sorry, had totally forgotten I still have a blog o.O
I'm still alive and kicking (well ok, more working these days.), though there's a lot to do lately and I'm permanently working on stuff ... I'd like to keep you up to date with what I've been doing lately.

First of all I can finally show you one of my secret projects I've been working on in the last months, a biiig thing: the official poster for the german drama / horror / thriller movie "Bittersweet Revenge", produced by a friend of mine & being released in the beginning of next year :)

... along with the making of :) Please click on the pic, it will lead you to my upload on deviant art where you can view it in bigger size (yeah I admit I didn't feel like uploading 17 MB to blogger :D. I'd also like to present along with this - our facebook fanpage :

And then there was this other big thing I've been working on - a book cover for a friend of mine's vampire novel, called "Vampirmächte". Still only available in german but if you're interested, you can get the book in the following shops: You can get the book in the following shops (go grab it, I for my part like it very much! :) ):

At the moment it's only available as ebook. Paper form should come somewhen soon =)

Here's the ebook- and paper cover I did:

Never did a book cover before ... Still, my friend was satisfied and offered me to do the covers of the other parts she'll write as well ^_^ Looking forward to this :D

As for the rest .. working on another secret project at the moment, devouring one book after the other about mythology and stuff ... listening to the new Amberian Dawn album ... everything as it should be :)
Oh, and I got me a huuuuge DIN A2 (16 1/2" x 23 1/3") Fabriano block now ... no more fearing for details, I can go BIG now :D I'm so excited xD  Let's see what the future brings :)

I'm off for now, take care and don't forget me ;)