Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Good ol' year & happy new one! =)

Hello =)

So there we are, another year comes to an end. It's incredible how time flies by, I feel as if it's just been april...

It was a very turbulent years that really tested my borders out ... metally, physically and in health terms. But I survived and came out stronger than ever :) Now I'm looking forward to 2015 because I feel it's going to be an awesome year. I've got plans for pretty awesome things :D We'll see.

So far, I wish everyone a happy new year and a blessed 2015 where hopefully all your wishes come true <3 See you all next year! =)

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

There we are ...

Almost end of the year again!! Where has time gone? Merry Christmas everyone! :)
Sitting here, killing time until the evening with great food and presents ... How do you guys spend christmas?

So.. where was I actually?
The giveaway went great, we've got two winneres. The sale on etsy did not go so well but whatever ...
And I finished my christmas charity painting! Just been outside, sealing the whole thing off and letting it dry now for a day or two down in the cellar :)

There's already been a bid of 10 Euros for it but I decided to put it on ebay where you can now bid on it until December 30th :) You find the painting here: :)

This is the finished work (I had a war with Microsoft ICE because it just didn't wanna stitch together the scans ... -.-): 

You can find all the where's and why's about this auction and stuff by clicking onto that image that will lead you to its deviant art page with the whole description and a few works in progress. Also the ebay link is there again. :)

So... nothing more to say for now... I think I will continue with the next commission now, still ignoring all the christmas hassle that's going on around here... ^^ Have a lovely day everyone and see you in a week for the last entry in this year with a little summary or so! =)

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Official christmas charity project.

Hello =)

How's everyone doing? =)

I've been quite busy lately. First having a few appointments in Munich to get health stuff straight ... thinking about going to Munich again somewhen in the evening of the next days to do a beautiful night city photo set... Just don't know yet if it's gonna work. 

And about the other thing:
After a few attacks of rage and wanting to call the year quits in the graphics department, I decided to re-start my christmas charity project I was planning to do since ... dunno, end of october for sure.

So what is this?
I'll be doing a painting I offer for you to bid on. I do this as an auction so nobody knows how much money it'll be in the end. The more the better.

The money from this painting will go to people near here (Bad Aibling and Rosenheim, Germany) I already have made contact with that have been affected by the flood last year and still are partly struggling. I wanna help them with a little money - that I'll hand out personally to make sure it goes exactly where it's needed.

What can you do?
You can bid on the painting I'm doing. I accept bids until december 26th.
If you wanna be part of this please send me an email with your bid to

Here are some WIPs for you so you know I'm not just kidding. ;)

And also:
- There's still 10% off everything in my etsy shop for you!! Code: 8ArTChristmaS8 :) Goes until december 21st.
- Last two days of my facebook giveaway have dawned! Take your chance to grab a print of my sleeping sun painting! =)
Have a lovely weekend everyone, see you all next time! =)

Monday, December 01, 2014

Eerie end of autumn

Hello =)

So after it's been misty here for almost a week now (water dripping trees included because nature just doesn't know anymore where to put all the moisture from the fog) I thought I'd show you the photos I've taken on saturday :D 

And I decided - due to a meme on facebook - that I'll from now on write one page every day in my scifi novel so that this drama finally gets to an end and can be beta-read and overworked ^^ Can't wait to finish it.

A happy week to you all! :) *vanishes*