Monday, July 28, 2014


Hello =)

I just wanted to stop by and tell you that after a phone call to the doc on monday I am officially healthy again now =) But still I will go there today or tomorrow getting a big check done just in case. I'm worrying a little.

And the computer is finally all set back up, the graphics driver is finally the right one and working (I now have that stylish transparent stuff from Win7 :D). Just the RAM we bought doesn't fit so I need to go back to media markt to get one that fits... But that should be the smallest problem. 

So then, I'm wishing you a happy new week and am gone again =) *waves*

Friday, July 25, 2014

Back online... finally.

Hello me hearties =)

I'm so sorry for being away for so long again ... I had big computer and health trouble in the last few weeks... 
But everything from the beginning: 
First I went to Ingolstadt to take care of my bosses pets as I told you in the last entry. So far so good. In the first week I catched a mean cold. In the 2nd I got myself a salmonellosis from I don't know where (yet I suspect the waffles I ate to be the culprit...) and rushed home in a short moment of doing a little better. I don't know how I made it to get home without having problems. 
I then became a cabbage for a few days at home slowly dehydrating not knowing what to do. I then decided to go to the hospital for a few days because my circulation was already making problems, they gave me infusions and I got back on track then. We didn't know yet what I had to that time. When I went home then after 2 days just because I couldn't stand the hospital anymore I got told I had salmonellosis... awesome. Off to the doctor, getting some medicine (antibiotics since I had an urinary tract infection too...) against it. From then on I could watch myself getting better day by day. Today I'm doing as well again as before I went to Ingolstadt. 

After getting home the next problems occured. Our computer was broken. Graphics card dead. Before that the internet had gone because the network adapter didn't recognize the network cable anymore ... Got myself a new computer then on monday, letting it all being set up by my boss, carrying it home. Internet still wasn't working so I had to phone the internet guys to get told that the DSL splitter was broken, apparently due to a thunderstorm that had happened a few days before where a lightning bolt had hit a tree not far away from the house...

Yesterday then that splitter finally arrived and I could FINALLY go back online, check all my stuff, answer messages, pay bills, and start to continue to set up the rest of programs still needed here on the pc... it's almost all done today. Just a few things left.

As for now everything's slowly becoming like it was before and that's a good thing.

And - to end the boring stuff from above - I haven't been lying around in bed all day, as I was doing better after the cold I started to drive out to the refinery in Ingolstadt, taking photos since I'm quite fascinated of that place for whatever reason... (I think industry places like these are interesting and quite creepy at the same time.) So I have a few photos that I can show you =) Here you go: 

I've also been doodleing a little when having no computer, sitting in front of TV in the evening ... In the end it became a whole picture, one that I already wanted to do for a certain time now, inspired by MandragorA ScreaM's "Medusa" with a little of "Anubis" in it :) It isn't perfect and I am far away from the style of people who know how it works but ey, it was worth a try xD But see yourself:

So ...I will continue setting the computer back up now and start working again in the next days to finally finish my commissions and stuff... there's so much that's been left behind in the last weeks, I've got a pile of work to do :-/

For now I wish you all a lovely weekend, and see you all next time =) *vanishes*

Thursday, July 03, 2014

A vacant review.

Hello me hearties =)

As promised, here I am back again after setting up my basecamp here in Ingolstadt. My boss is on vacation now and I'm taking care of the 4 kitties, 2 guinea pigs, lizards etc here. And to be honest - I'm sick with a cold here (don't know what this is every time I'm here for a few days I get sick ... o.O I blame it on the oil refinery that's just around the corner...), got the CD today and am now taking a break from cleaning everything up ... I also have to do the entry from here because my computer at home apparently died, I need a new one :( Will be going home in the next few days for a visit and having a look at this thing what's wrong with it...

So where was I? Ah yes - I wanted to do a review for the new Amberian Dawn - Album "Magic Forest" =) 

On the whole picture I can say - whow, what an Album. One big pile of bombast just how I love it :D I've got me the limited first editions with two guitar instrumentals on it.

For the cover - it's a lovely design, yet I think it doesn't quite represent the awesomeness on the CD itself. But I will overlook this. 

As for the songs:

1 - Cherish my memory
It was already one of my faves on the teaser and I still am right. A catchy, rythmic tune that stays in the ears, nothing more to say, I love it :D Incredibly awesome to be listened to in the car on a nice summer day with open window x)

2 - Dance of life
Lovely melody line, yet not one of my most favourites. For me it's just a fill-in between the next two incredible songs. Still it shouldn't be left aside since it's still awesome, the chorus is strong and it's a great composition.

3 - Magic forest
Well what more is there to say than - dang, this piece has it all, melody, bombast, incredibiliness ... and is an inspiration bomb for me x) I love this fairy tale story line stuff. You can't hear this song too often.

4 - Agonizing night
Also one of my faves on the album and from the teaser already. Maybe my most favourite of the album all in all. It bursts of bombast <3 Symphonic metal at its finest. Very great for doing errands, listening to it in my car having the window open x) Also lovely for driving to the mountains. It was also a good companion in the times when I was sick... my job was to get through the agonizing nights...

5 - Warning
Lovely for high speed driving xD Another fairy tale song that makes your thoguhts wander, very good :D I like the storyline with the child wanting to go into the forest to sing.

6 - Son of the rainbow
Did someone love lily of the moon here because there's another one of this type? xD For me personally very good because I love lily of the moon too. 

7 - I'm still here
Another one bursting of bombast. Great arrangement, nothing more to add. I love the intro. I wonder what this changeling - thing is about.

8 - Memorial
Another catchy one like cherish my memory that stays in your ear and won't move out of there anymore. Which is good. Great contrast also the male voice, so that is Markus Nieminen then? Still I think the male voice is a bit misplaced. But the song is still great.

9- Endless silence
Also interesting in the lyrics, I wonder what's behind it. Melody stays in the ear. Represents very much of my personal experiences during the last few years.

10 - Green-eyed
The only ballad (?) on the labum and the 3rd fave of mine. Awesome voice acrobatics by Capri and another pile of bombast that makes images appear in front of my inner eye. Also makes the mind wander with its lyrics...

And the guitar instrumentals (Dance of life & Warning) - nice to hear for inbetween but I think they're more interesting for people who play guitar :D Still they're awesome for a highway ride :D I myself would have liked some normal instrumentals here.
And again - am I the only one who thinks Capri sounds like Celine Dion? xD 

10 out of 10 points for this pile of bombast of an album. Me gusta. Amberian Dawn pwns Nightwish. Nuff said.

P.S.: Picked up the computer now, it's not broken yet my boss wants to have a look at it so I took it with me. I'm positive about the result.