Saturday, February 23, 2013

So then...

I began my little sideproject :) Is more fun than I thought and I discover more and more stuff in photoshop xDD Like: Shadows for lazies - just use the inner shadow in a darker color than the one you've painted and adjust it so long until it looks good xD Et voila xD Here are the first three cards :) For the description, please click on them, they will bring you to deviant art.

Except for that there's not much going on here at the moment. I'm hardly sleeping at the moment because always when I'm in my bed then some stupid ideas come to my head and I pull something out of the bookshelf that I haven't touched in years to have a look at it instead of sleeping -.-° So much to do, so less time...
And why do I have the feeling that my teeth slowly are falling to pieces? x.O

Friday, February 22, 2013

Well well..

A bit time has passed and I think I can slowly draw again.. at least I did a test scrap and it didn't look that bad. 
Also, yesterday before falling asleep another project came to my mind - because I'd need to do more again for my manga drawing stuff - a deck of Sailor Moon tarot cards, how would you find that? =) I already figured out the characters and things for the greater arcana and will do them step by step. I will just have differences finding chalices and coins / discs for the other 4/5 of the deck -.-° I tend to use brooches instead of the discs.. I already found some swords / knives in sailor moon but they're not enough yet -.-°
The other big project... don't know I just don't feel like it at the moment.. And I'm way too busy with travel plannings xD Waaaaaaaa I'm so excited xD I feel like I'm 14 again, really. <3
We ordered tickets for that big concert yesterday, it was a fight... -.-° something in that system didn't like my browser at all. 
And I have a constant internet problem, it keeps failing though I already phoned the internet company a thousand times and even wrote a letter... do I have to go back to satellite-LAN just to show them how incompetent they are?? o_ô GRAH.

Monday, February 18, 2013

... that's it?

So it really seems to be true.. I'm suffering from a massive creative crisis... If my skills will come back one day, I'll restart the big project I was working on ... but for now I have to cancel it because it simply won't work. I have no hand for shadows anymore... I can only hope that this problem solves itself, as a friend meaned this happens when you draw too much and stress yourself out... So now all I'm doing is nothing creative and waiting for my skill to come back to finally draw something awesome... 
I still hope this has nothing to do with cutting of the string that connected me to somebody and going back there where I was ago 10 years ... Because everything is possible, even the impossible. I want my creativity back T_T Actually, life is quite empty without it -.- Hm.

Saturday, February 16, 2013


Sh**... seems my fears have come true... seems I can't draw anymore -.-° I didn't mean to set back my skills together with my memory... I'm about to cancel my big project because I simply can't seem to draw right anymore oO -.- What have I done -.- But going back would mean to suffer again ... and I'm really fed up of that sh** at the moment. Couldn't care less, really. But on the other side it would be my worst nightmare not to be able to draw anymore, so what choice do I have now? Grr. 

Little sneak peek... but it really looks like my drawing skills have gone... I'm going mad -.- This is not good. Is this the price I have to pay for staying sane?

Friday, February 15, 2013

Woop! :D

I did it, I did it!! I arranged myself with some other girls and now it's done! I definately fly to London in May!!! I could jump around like a madwoman here because I'm so happy :D Prepare yourself London, I'm gonna see ya! xD Omg... omg omg omg! xD Why I'm going there? Well I'm gonna see some boys in concert I haven't seen for over 13 years xD I feel like I'm 12 again xD <3 
And I'm gonna see King's cross xD I wanna run against that wall between platform 9 and 10 xD Or at least take some pics. Wahahahahahh xD

And I began my new big project, but I had to stop drawing because I somehow can't draw anymore oO I didn't wanna ruin it ... maybe I'll continue later or tomorrow. 

I hope I can make this look at least a little good... I'm not gonna post a ton of WIP's this time because I'll make this one top secret x))
Well then, I'm out for now x)) 

Btw - I haven't shown you my Amy Lee - portrait, have I? Sorry, totally forgot -.-° Here it is x)


Thursday, February 14, 2013


My 14th of february - aggressions are starting to come once again... I can't tell you how much I hate valentine's day... it reminds me every year again of all that I'll never have. Stoopid cupid can't aim at all. Missed his goal. Thx buddy, because of you I'll stay forever alone. (insert rage face here)

And I'm such a lazy f***... I wanted to complete that portrait last night but what did I do? I completed the thumbs of my web page... well at least something. As for now I'm only sitting around, hearing Lindsey Stirling on repeat and trying not to get depressive. These days I wish again that I could figure skate... I used to love to watch that on TV. And some songs from that album would work out in a wonderful choreography... but well, I has two left feet so I don't even try it. It was a miracle I was eben able to keep balance on these thingies back in 2006 xD I used to be a fan of that guy:

But Plushenko always was the best one. That guy is a genius :D (Ok I admit, I envy people who are good dancers ... because I simply will never be able to do that myself, or at least I look stupid when I try it xD ...)

Two years after or so I missed almost everything they brought about the EM's and stuff on TV and so my interest subsided in some way... only today it came to my mind again. 
Well well.. I'm out for the moment, maybe I'll upload a WIP later.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Awesome new stuff

Just found this girl by accident on amazon ... always been looking for this kind of music... <3 And: she's only one day older than me xDD Cause and effect... xD

Hope you like that stuff as much as I do :D Maybe I'll draw her after my next big project x) Too many ideas T_T 
And another WIP for you because I just can't let it be :D

Eek, and my mouth is bleeding again ... the dentist wasn't too careful today -.-° This'll need at least a week to heal... And my pyrophobia is back... I have that since I was a little kid and don't know why. Already back then I got horrified when I've only read an article in some newspaper that there occured a fire somewhere... I remember me getting Silent Hill... I watched it once, found it horrible and frightening and didn't touch it for almost a year... 
When the waste bin is full here left of me and the oven is on fire, I can't throw anything in... I just can't. I can only throw the rubbish in when it's cold. It was already better but now it's as bad again as I had it as a kid... Damned. I just find it strange cause I can't remember any incident that could have caused that... My theory is still - I've been burned as a witch in a last life or came to death in some fire ... only explanation I have so far.  Does someone of you have that stuff too? 

Monday, February 11, 2013


A damn big pile of work has finally found it's end. I'm done! Yippieh! :D But tomorrow there's already the next job waiting, though that's only throwing text into a web page, so I'll be done quickly I hope.. I also got another dentist appointment tomorrow.. my teeth are like swiss cheese.. full of holes. (That's what you get from not going to the dentist for 6 years because that old tooth doc was more like a butcher than a doc... but the new one that's now there is a very good one.) Well well.

I have to announce another thing - well ok probably I shouldn't announce it because it's no surprise then anymore xD I'm planning on doing a 4 person - portrait. Gonna have to put it on 2 pieces of A3 paper because I have nothing bigger here T_T Will stitch it together on the pc then x) I will do this pic in honor of the reunion of one of my fave groups when I was younger. (Yeah even I have some skeletons in my closet, actually I think I got a ton of them xD) I'm so happy they finally made it to reform! :D And curious if there'll be a tour, because I wanna be there then xDD (If I should be able to afford it I'd even fly over to england to see them x) I love england <3 :D)
Well, but no more words for me, I won't tell ya who it is x) You will see. x)

And, because I couldn't let it be - another WIP for you cause I like spammin' around here in my blog xD


Friday, February 08, 2013

After a long day...

.. I still found a little time for some art x) I need to finish this piece because I already have another portrait in my mind of my 2nd muse... But first this one has to be finished.
Goes easier than I thought ... maybe I have improved in the meantime and the rest will look completely different and won't fit the pic xDD
And on it goes... next to do: throw in a ton of product pics again tomorrow (today I did 277 of them...), do laundry and tidy up my room (really need to do because I messed around while looking for something in my cupboard...), kicking somebody's ass... hm yeah, and also sleeping and eating not to forget x) 
See ya! =) *gone*

P.S.: xD I couldn't let it be... I re-newed my header again. I found a very special font in the web, the font my former fave cover band made its logo with. I used to love that logo. And - as if it would have been waiting for it - the A perfectly fits into my logo-heart oO Do you think what I think? Thoughts become things... because I was looking for a nice font for my banner stuff but never found something... and now, there we go :D <3

Thursday, February 07, 2013

Still a little time for art

I have a few WIP's again for you. :) Had some white left over and therefore something to do with it because I couldn't put it back into the bottle T_T So the base color is done now, gonna paint some bricks then somewhen...
I guess this painting will be also finished earliest in a few months or so... I have so much to do at the moment T_T and there are always new ideas coming to my head that need to be put down on paper or somewhere else... grah. (Still have to finish that Amy Lee portrait somewhen...) I'll never be out of work xD Some artists may suffer from having no ideas, I have too many of them... xD
And I should go to bed, maybe get up a bit earlier tomorrow, still have to throw in a ton of product pics until the end of the week and have no idea how I shall make it until then... T_T 
*gone* Nighty night =)

Monday, February 04, 2013

Special message & a wake up call

You have to watch this... I just went through it after finally having an add-on that unblocks the videos again... (for all germans who read this - get proxmate for firefox and watch the video on youtube itself ... works wonderful :) )
I already knew those people were cool, but I'm really damn blown off my socks now O_O Respect. Hope I can wake up a few of you with this x) Haters gonna hate.
I so hope they will come on tour, I so wanna meet them ... I'm hearing their music now for almost 10 years and never saw them live... it's a tragedy :( But thoughts turn into things, so I hope that maybe this year or the next one then it will work ... I hope. Cause and effect is the greatest thing ever invented :D

Great, I wanted to move my a** to bed now but I'm awake again xD Well, have fun watching, I'll continue doing things =) I hope you like that interview as much as I did. (I want to live in a medieval tower too *_* T_T) (And Morgan's the only woman in the world I'd turn lesbian for ..  ahem xD)


Sunday, February 03, 2013

Uwahhhh :D

Hello me hearties!
Thought I come in and surprise you with a new layout x) I'm planning this for days now and finally got my ass up to do so... Hope you like it!
It's also funny.. I had a total mental down the last ... hm.. 2 1/2 weeks or longer? And today - whoosh - as if there's been nothing, I'm doing well again and am back on track... I have my theories for that but if I'd tell them to you you'd say go - get yourself a hug-me-jacket and off it goes... but well, nothing is impossible, even the impossible. And I'm a fan of telepathy :D
And: I want to go to Berlin T_T To the Imagniaerum movie premiere on february 11th but I simply have no money to pay a flight or a cinema ticket  *cries* Life is so unfaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiir -.- I want to win the lottery, now! Ò_Ó But well, I swore myself so or so to never go to Berlin again after almost not coming home again from there... But I wanna see that movie!! Dammit -.- And I wanna talk to somebody after the movie... Grr.
And for everything else... not much more to say, much much work to do at the moment.. all products at the shop are in now but I have to adjust a ton of pics now and I wonder if I will be able to make that within a week... I have my doubts. And after that we got another big project and THEN I can go back working around on my own page again... -.- I fear it won't be finished until middle of this year or so... 
Well, I'm out again, way too much to do x) See ya!

P.S.: It's obvious that I love bombast, isn't it? One can never have enough bombast in his / her life :D